Meaning of 'anupana'

n (S) In medicine. A vehicle. 2 Freely. Any article or particular concomitant upon the main one of a regimen: also the subordinate points and items to be observed with respect to a corn-field, garden &c. v dhara, balaga, sambhala. 3 Freely. Any accompaniment in the character of Antidote or Antagonist: as palice ntela vincace ṃa0 apathya- snanace ṃa0 tamrabhasma, ajirnace ṃa0 langhana. a0 sadhane-njamane-mbasane-ṃhone-mmilane expresses the fitting, suiting, agreeing of the secondaries with the principal, or of the antidote or corrective with the evil incurred.ṃ

Meaning of अनुपान

n (S) In medicine. A vehicle. 2 Freely. Any article or particular concomitant upon the main one of a regimen: also the subordinate points and items to be observed with respect to a corn-field, garden &c. v धर, बाळग, संभाळ. 3 Freely. Any accompaniment in the character of Antidote or Antagonist: as पालीचें तेल विंचाचें अ0 अपथ्य- स्नानाचें अ0 ताम्रभस्म, अजीर्णाचें अ0 लंघन. अ0 साधणें-जमणें-बसणें-होणें-मिळणें expresses the fitting, suiting, agreeing of the secondaries with the principal, or of the antidote or corrective with the evil incurred.

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