Meaning of 'anubandhacatustaya'

n S The four anubandha or correlations of a treatise or discourse: viz. visaya The matter or subject; prayojana The use, purpose, or object; sambandha The congruity, consistency, or coherence (as of the style or diction or manner of treatment with the subject-matter or the object); adhikari The person for whose use it is designed, or to whom it is addressed or is appropriate &c.

Meaning of अनुबंधचतुष्टय

n S The four अनुबंध or correlations of a treatise or discourse: viz. विषय The matter or subject; प्रयोजन The use, purpose, or object; संबंध The congruity, consistency, or coherence (as of the style or diction or manner of treatment with the subject-matter or the object); अधिकारी The person for whose use it is designed, or to whom it is addressed or is appropriate &c.

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